The OneTaste 8

The OneTaste 8

Anjuli L. Ayer, New York City, NY

Aubrey A. Fuller, Los Angeles, CA

Eli P. Block, Los Angeles, CA

Joanna L. Van Vleck, New York City, NY

Marcus J. Ratnathicam, New York City, NY

Maya Gilbert, Los Angeles, CA

Rachael E. Hemsi, New York City, NY

Yia Vang, New York City, NY


A Public Statement from The OneTaste 8

For too long, the truth has been buried under the weight of government overreach, media sensationalism, and prosecutorial abuse. Today, we step out of the shadows.

We are the women and men the Department of Justice has labeled “un-indicted co-conspirators.” For five years, vague allegations and intimidation tactics have been used to smear our names and dismantle the business we helped build. Now, the government has crossed a line, bringing an unprecedented charge of “forced labor conspiracy” against our colleagues Nicole Daedone and Rachel Cherwitz—a case with no actual forced labor charges and no identifiable victims.

This is not justice. This is a sham.

Here are the facts the government doesn’t want you to know:

Conspiracy charges are meant to stop imminent harm. The alleged “conspiracy” ended five years before charges were brought. There was no ongoing threat, no crisis to avert—only a calculated move to weaponize the legal system.

The government’s case is built on lies. Its “star evidence” includes journals purportedly written in 2015, which were, in fact, fabricated by Netflix writers in 2022 to create drama for a so-called “documentary.” These prosecutors now want to present this fiction as fact in court.

Misconduct runs deep. We allege FBI agents involved in this case have:

• Hidden evidence from prosecutors and the court

• Instructed witnesses to destroy evidence

• Tampered with key evidence

• Colluded with Netflix to produce a hit piece during the investigation

• Pressured witnesses to falsely claim victimhood

• Lied in applications for search warrants

The FBI’s behavior raises chilling questions about the integrity of this case and the lengths to which some in law enforcement will go to justify a headline-grabbing prosecution.

To the Department of Justice: If you truly believe we committed crimes, charge us. Name us in the indictment. Put us on trial alongside Nicole and Rachel. We dare you. But you won’t, because the truth is, there is no crime here—only the lawful work of a community that has empowered thousands of women to reclaim their lives and thrive.

To the public: This case is bigger than us. If these abuses of power are allowed to stand, no one is safe from the crushing machinery of prosecutorial overreach. Today, it’s us. Tomorrow, it could be you.

We are educators, executives, and professionals. We are mothers, fathers, and friends. We are proud of the work we did and the lives we changed. We refuse to be silenced, and we refuse to let our colleagues face this injustice alone.

We are The OneTaste 8.

We demand transparency. We demand accountability. And we demand justice—for Nicole, for Rachel, and for everyone who dares to stand against this misuse of power.